2022 Nursery Statistics Project survey to begin in October

Data collection for the 2022 Nursery Industry Statistics Project survey is underway.

Growers are urged to participate in the survey to help us understand the true value of the nursery industry and measure trends over time.

The levy funded ‘Nursery Industry Statistics 2020-21 to 2024-25’ (NY21000) project is a five-year data collection project that will capture the value and volume of greenlife production in Australia and provide growers with an interactive business benchmarking tool for each year of the project.

Delivered by Greenlife Industry Australia (GIA), together with Down to Earth Research (DTER) and ACIL Allen, this project follows two earlier successful projects: the Nursery Industry Statistics 2017-21 (NY17008) project and NY16004, which is funded by Hort Innovation using the nursery research and development levy and funds from the Australian Government.

What’s in it for growers?

The data collected will help guide investment decisions at the grower level and strengthens industry’s advocacy efforts at the state and national levels.

In addition, the data will assist in the development of the Nursery Business and Data Benchmarking Tool.

This tool provides growers with accurate, reliable and user-friendly industry data to develop more effective strategic plans, allocate resources more efficiently and track performance over time. Check out data from last year in this Facts at a Glance document.

Nick Jacometti, Director of Boomaroo Nurseries said, “The greenlife industry is incredibly diverse, so it is wonderful to have a dynamic tool to collate national greenlife statistics together. It allows us to track industry performance over time, monitor market trends and prioritise investments within our production facilities.”

Find out more about how Boomaroo Nurseries uses the tool here.

Supply Chain Validation

To validate the data to be collected during this upcoming survey, plans are also underway to survey other sectors of the production horticulture supply chain, namely retail nurseries, and landscapers.

What is the process?

From now through to early December, Market Metrics will conduct a random sample of greenlife businesses to arrange interviews.

If you are contacted by Market Metrics, GIA encourages all production nurseries, retail nurseries and landscapers to participate in the survey.  Taking a maximum of 20 minutes to complete, the survey can be conducted over the phone or online. All data collected is confidential and anonymous.

To make the survey as seamless and efficient as possible, please refer to the tips below.

  • Once contacted for participation, nominate the best person in your business to respond to the survey.
  • If conducting a telephone interview, be sure to put the date and time in your diary.
  • Whether performing via the phone or online, make sure you know what information you are being asked to provide and have it in front of you before you start the survey.

For more information, please contact Daniel Watson, at: [email protected]

The ‘Nursery Industry Statistics 2020-21 to 2024-25’ (NY21000) project is funded by Hort Innovation using nursery industry levy and funds from the Australian Government.