Cut-off dates to import plant propagative material into Eastern Creek PEQ facility

From 1 September 2014, the Eastern Creek post entry quarantine (PEQ) facility will gradually cease accepting consignments of plant propagative material. This is is part of the transition to the new PEQ facility in Mickleham, Victoria in late 2015. This process should allow most plants housed at Eastern Creek to complete the required PEQ period and mandatory screening prior to closure of the Eastern Creek facility.

Details of the cut off dates for specific plant materials is tabled below.

Cut-off date for imports into Eastern Creek

Type of propagative material

1 September 2014 Clonal grasses
Kiwifruit budwood
Seedlines, including:·         Winter Wheat (Triticum spp.)·         Winter Triticale (X Triticosecale spp.)
1 December 2014 Cotton seed (Gossypium spp.)
1 January 2015 Tropical fruit (tissue cultured and non-tissue cultured)
Kiwifruit (tissue cultured)
1 February 2015 Citrus spp.
High-risk ornamentals (e.g. tissue cultured sudden oak death hosts)
Seedlines including:·         Barley (Hordeum spp.)·         Millet (Panicum milliaceum)

·         Pulses (Lens spp., Pisum spp., Vicia spp., Cicer spp.)

·         Spring wheat (Triticum spp.)

·         Spring Triticale (X Triticosecale spp.)

1 March 2015 Seedlines including:·         Oats (Avena sativa)·         Medicago (Medicago spp.)

·         Maize (Zea mays)

·         Rice (Oryza spp.)

·         Rye (Secale cereale)

·         Soybean (Glycine spp.)

1 April 2015 Seedlines including:·         Nicotiana tabacum·         Sunflower seed (Helianthus spp.)
1 June 2015

Medium risk nursery stock


For more details of the staged transistion or for further information, please refer to the Department of Agriculture website here.