GIA Plant Protection Officer appointed to New South Wales

Wednesday, 26 February 2020

Greenlife Industry Australia – Greenlife Industry Australia
March 3, 2020: , Perth, Western Australia (WA), Australia. Credit: Pat Brunet / Event Photos Australia

Greenlife Industry Australia is pleased to welcome Emma De Landre as its new Plant Protection Officer.

Based in Sydney, New South Wales, Emma’s role will operate across New South Wales and northern Victoria under the levy funded ‘National Nursery Industry Biosecurity Program’ (NY15004).

With experience spanning 25 years in nursery production and retail, Emma brings with her a strong background in quality plant production, project management, and formal training in horticulture.

“I’m excited to join the Greenlife Industry Australia team, and look forward to working closely with growers to protect plant health, achieve efficiencies and foster innovation within individual businesses,” Emma said.

At her previous role as Nursery Manager at Agri Australis, a large-scale hazelnut producer in the NSW Riverina, Emma utilised nursery management systems to improve propagation techniques, increase production and significantly reduce waste.

Emma was also employed as Project Manager at National Arboretum Canberra (NAC), where she was responsible for managing the Water Security Project, the propagation of forest plantings, and the development of biosecurity procedures.

As Plant Protection Officer, she would like to use her experience and encourage more growers to utilise and adopt a holistic approach to plant health and biosecurity, supporting businesses to demonstrate best practice in container and field production. This approach encompasses irrigation, nutrition, plant hygiene, weed control, soil health and Integrated Pest Management (IPM).

“Through collaboration with production nurseries, growing media manufacturers and greenlife markets, my goal is to help businesses grow resilient plants, reduce pest and disease incursions, and maintain or increase market access,” Emma said.

“It’s great to see that a number of production nurseries in NSW continue to strive for continuous improvement in plant health, both for the benefit of the environment and the consumer.

“NIASA accreditation, EcoHort and BioSecure HACCP are extremely useful tools to achieve market standards, and I look forward to providing advice and support to facilitate the growth of our thriving industry.”

As Plant Protection Officer, Emma will take on the following roles and responsibilities:

  • Provide on-site support to industry stakeholders in the implementation of key plant protection aspects of the programs within the Australian Plant Production Standard.
  • Contribute to the ongoing development and implementation of the Australian Plant Production Standard; delivering a range of plant protection and biosecurity services across NIASA, EcoHort and BioSecure HACCP.
  • Industry engagement and liaison with production nurseries, greenlife markets and growing media manufacturers throughout NSW and northern Victoria across all aspects of plant protection and biosecurity.

Welcome Emma!

If you are a production nursery, greenlife market or growing media manufacturer in New South Wales or northern Victoria, and would like to get in touch with Emma, she can be contacted at: [email protected]

Emma’s role has been funded through the Research Agreement (RA) between Hort Innovation and Greenlife Industry Australia.