New project set to develop career pathways for Australia’s nursery industry

Monday, 3 August 2020

Valued at $2.44 billion in the 2018-19 Nursery Industry Statistics report, Australia’s nursery industry is thriving, contributing significantly to the nation’s economic, environmental, and social wellbeing.

But to keep this momentum going and to support further growth and innovation within the sector, the industry must focus on the development of one its most important resources – people.

A new 12-month project, ‘Developing Nursery Career Pathways’ (NY19006), led by RMCG Consulting Group and Greenlife Industry Australia (GIA), is seeking to better understand and boost career development within the nursery industry and other relevant sectors of horticulture.

To build and sustain the interest of both current and future industry leaders, this project will highlight the vast opportunities that a career in the greenlife industry can provide.


The project’s role is to shine a light on the dynamic career opportunities within the nursery sector. At the same time, facilitating the targeted design and delivery of education and training programs including defining, developing and showcasing jobs and career pathways

Specifically, the project will create a range of tangible outcomes including the development of a Careers Hub with an eLearning component to educate, inform and engage stakeholders on the benefits of upskilling and the training opportunities available to those in the industry and those seeking a career change. The hub will also provide information on access to apprenticeships and communications materials designed to reach those outside the industry such as careers advisors and students.

Led by forward-thinking, adaptable professionals, this project aims ensure the nursery and wider horticulture sector remains a dynamic industry by enhancing education, training and showcasing the diverse career opportunities within the sector.

Continue to visit the Your Levy @ Work website and keep an eye out across all GIA platforms for updates about how you can get involved.

The ‘Developing Nursery Career Pathways’ (NY19006) project is funded by Hort Innovation using nursery industry levy and funds from the Australian Government.