NGIA CEO update – October 2016
NGIA Strategy 2016 – 2020
Hi Everyone
We are well and truly into the process of implementing the NGIA Strategy for the period 2016 – 2020. A reminder that the vision for the strategy is:
We will create a climate for our members and industry to grow and prosper.
The emphasis of the vision is on members first, which is a subtle but important difference from the previous industry strategy, where the focus of NGIA activities was for all levy payers and industry with members as a subset.
Below I would like to outline the key activities, projects and areas of work being progressed for the five strategic imperatives in the strategy:
1. Leverage industry statistics and data
NGIA has submitted a proposal to Horticulture Innovation Australia (HIA), in conjunction with Down to Earth Research and ACIL Allen Consulting, for a project on Industry Statistics. If successful the project will address the important need to capture timely and accurate data for analysis on the Australian nursery and garden industry to inform industry decision making, resource prioritisation, investment evaluation, strategic planning activities, market trends and tracking industry performance over time.
The three stages of the proposal are:
Stage 1 – Data Audit & End User/Data Contributor Consultation
Stage 2 – Data Collection: plan, design, execution, analysis
Stage 3 – Data tool development
The information generated will provide important information to NGI members on individual business performance and market trends. It will also assist NGIA with our advocacy and lobbying activities and making submission to Government on behalf of members.
2. Engaging and connecting industry
NGIA has two a two pronged approach to engaging with members and industry. The first approach is to remodel NGIA’s communication to members. We are progressing the design, content and channels to be used for the National Nursery News (NNN) network which will be launched soon.
NGIA is also responsible for the delivery of the levy funded communications program to all levy payers in partnership with Cox Inall. This aim of the program is to increase the awareness and understanding by levy payers of:
· The R&D and marketing projects being undertaken
· The outputs of R&D, and how they can be implemented by businesses to improve productivity and profitability
· How they can provide input into the strategic direction of levy investment.
3. NGI structure
The review of the nursery industry structure in Australia continues. The Structure Review Committee (SRC) are currently working through the drafting of the consultation report. This report will be shared with the NGIA Board and State NGI Presidents and CEOs by the end of October for discussion at a session at the next NGIA Board meeting on 14 November. The SRC and the review consultants from Down to Earth Research and Strategic Business Development will be in attendance for the session. We will continue to update members of the review process over the coming months, especially after the session on 14 November.
4. Member benefit delivery
Within this strategic imperative we are looking at how to optimise the assets and intellectual property that exists within the NGI network to maximise benefits and value to members.
The current activities being progressed are:
· The National Nursery Biosecurity Program funded by HIA and managed by NGIA. It has a focus for all levy payers which is vital for industry.
· The Nursery Production Farm Management System programs – NIASA, EcoHort and BioSecure HACCP. The transition of management and administration of the programs to NGIA and will be completed by 1 January 2017.
· Involvement in the HIA Strategic Investment Advisory Panel and the development of the Strategic Investment Plan for levy funds.
There are also a number of other areas to be progressed for members by the NGI network but are limited by the current availability and allocation of resources. They include:
· Education and Training
· Extension of R&D levy funded outputs
· Coordination of events, forums, seminars, conferences, etc – both face to face and internet delivery
5. Build product and industry value
This strategic imperative is basically the “marketing function” for NGIA to increase the demand for greenlife and planting stock for all urban and production horticulture. It has a focus on improving the understanding of the role of plants in building capable and healthy people and communities.
The two key activities being progress in this area are:
i. NGIA’s involvement and oversight of the 202020 Vision (20V) Program. We continue to have an active role in the implementation of the 20V Program and assessing its performance. We are considering how to manage the transition of the program as we approach 2020 and how the marketing levy should be invested to leverage off the 20V Program into the future.
ii. Engaging with the end users of greenlife to build demand for products from production and retail nurseries members. The key end users to be targeted are consumers (20V will also address), retail (supporting NGI members), landscape businesses, production horticulture, Government, revegetation and export.
Attached for you reference and information is the summery version of the strategy.
Please contact me at [email protected] if you have any comments or would like to raise any issues with me on the strategy and the activities being progressed by NGIA. I look forward to hearing from you.
Peter Vaughan