RELEASE: Businesses targeted for the new nursery industry market research

Invitation packs have been sent to an identified target list of businesses to encourage their participation in the new Nursery Industry Market Research program.

The Industry Reference Group, with the assistance of the State Associations, has worked to establish a statistically relevant group of businesses across the greenlife, allied and growing media sectors to ensure credibility of the data collection and usefulness of reported data.  Around 300 businesses across the country have been identified and their contribution to the project is critical to its success.

‘’The target list is not definitive; it is designed to ensure that a minimum level of participation is met before launching the respective reporting.  All bona fide businesses operating within the greenlife, allied and growing media sectors, are encouraged to contribute data to the research” said Gerard Sweeney, General Manager of GfK Informark, the organisation collecting data and producing reports.

Businesses who commit to contributing data will benefit from a free business performance report each year of their Agreement.  These reports will provide a confidential and valuable insight into a business’ external performance within the industry across multiple product lines and stock distribution channels.  For more frequent access to the information, it is a simple process of completing an order form and choosing to purchase either a monthly package or an ad hoc report.

“The report packages are fantastic and will contain loads of practical information for businesses.  It is important to remember that businesses need to contribute their data so we can all benefit from credible information that is representative of the market,” said Anthony Van Schaik of BioGro and recent member of Industry Reference Group.

“Capturing an image of the industry with this detail and on this scale is a worthy investment of industry funds.  If the greenlife, allied and growing media sectors embrace this opportunity we will all benefit from the knowledge it provides, both individually and collectively.”

To register as a Contributor in the market research project or to view sample reports visit or contact Kobie Keenan on (02) 8861 5100 or via email at [email protected].


For further information, logos, report sample images and quotes on the Nursery Industry Market Research project please contact Kobie Keenan on (02) 8861 5100 or via email at [email protected].

The Nursery Industry Market Research Project is funded by the Nursery Industry Levy and matched by the Australian Government through Horticulture Australia Limited.   Nursery & Garden Industry Australia (NGIA) are administering the project in conjunction with GfK Informark (an independent market research company).