Have your say on nursery and garden industry employment
Wednesday, 3 October 2018
Nursery & Garden Industry Australia (NGIA) is encouraging growers, retailers and supply chain participants to jump online and complete a new workforce survey, to gain a timelier depiction of employment and career development issues within the industry.
The survey is available online at: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/nurserycareers and will close on Friday, 30 November. All responses will be anonymous, and the aggregated data will help to inform the development of a robust strategy to better attract, retain and nurture the industry’s workforce.
With the industry now valued at $2.29 billion per annum and growing, as well as being a key player in our national food, fibre and foliage supply chains, having a capable and sustainable workforce is a critical issue.
Survey participants will be asked a range of questions, from business type and key offerings, right through to staff training and professional development. It is a prime opportunity to document key challenges and observations experienced by growers.
The more responses received, the more accurately the data will reflect the current situation of businesses accessing qualified workers. Growers are encouraged to take the time to complete the survey and promote it to their peers.
The survey takes 10 minutes to complete with all respondents going into a draw to win a $200 gift voucher. Delivered by RM Consulting Group (RMCG) in partnership with NGIA, the project will produce a clear roadmap for a stronger, more sustainable nursery industry workforce.
To complete the survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/nurserycareers
For more information about the project, visit: https://yourlevyatwork.com.au/new-project-to-help-future-proof-the-australian-nursery-and-garden-workforce/
Project Code: Review of Nursery industry career pathways (NY17002)