The Australian Horticulture Statistics Handbook 2020/21 is now live!
Tuesday, 22 March 2022
The Australian Horticulture Statistics Handbook 2020/21 has been released.
The Handbook outlines key statistics and insights on 75 horticultural products including nursery.
Drawing on data from several supply chain sources, including international trade statistics and industry peak bodies, the Handbook includes information on retail and foodservice use, exports and imports, the share of production by State and Territory, wholesale value, and volume.
The Handbook adopts a modelling approach that connects production with local and international distribution channel throughputs, to determine the new market value and volume for nursery products.
Key nursery statistics from the Handbook include (year ending June 2021):
- The value of production was $2.79 billion while the wholesale value of the supply was $2.93 billion.
- Australia exported $6.0 million worth of nursery products and imported $46.1 million worth of nursery products.
- Approximately 90% of production is split fairly evenly across Queensland, New South Wales and Victoria, with Western Australia making up 8%.
To read more head to the nursery section of the Handbook here: